Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A Speakeasy Picnic

In November we met under the shade in the Humanities Courtyard to hear some words from Speakeasy readers old and new. Here's Jess Miller's musings on the day:

I think back on 2014 and remember the end of the semester with the most fondness. So much was happening! I and most of my friends were finishing our undergraduate degrees! Yet what I loved about that last week wasn’t handing up that major assignment or leaving that tutorial room for the final time—it was actually the year’s last Speakeasy campus event.
I’m sure it sounds like I’m saying this just for effect, but let me assure you that I’m being completely earnest about this.
It was a perfectly sunny Friday afternoon, for one thing. And for another, a fantastic amalgamation of year levels, student spectators and the odd academic had gathered on the grass to hear the talent (and bravery), as Flinders Creative Writers performed their short stories.

It was impressive to hear the scope of genres across the day, from fantasy to romance to crime fiction. In fact, there was such a variety of readers that it became necessary to stretch our legs at half-time. And with the expanse of the Humanities courtyard to play with, what better than a game of croquet, brought along by our lovely Speakeasy co-director, Lauren?

With free food and wine in our stomachs, it was a joy to both listen and perform; even afterwards, with the speaking podium put to rest and the drink bottles empty, nobody felt like leaving. It’s really a testament to the relaxed, friendly atmosphere when at the end of it most of us only left to catch our last available buses.

A somewhat belated (but still valid) thank you to Lauren and Alicia for putting on yet another highly successful Speakeasy event—may the next one brim with even more success! (And more croquet! Obviously, come to hear the creative writers, but also, come on guys, it’s croquet.)

Words by Jess Miller

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