Sunday, May 6, 2012

At the Wheatsheaf Hotel April 18

Joseph Moore is a singer-songwriter from Adelaide. He likes to think of himself as, that guy you hear in the background at the local pub, strumming the guitar, singing chimey and pretentious songs about love, loss, the state of the world, and being a sappy prick. This extraordinary optimism has earned him the admiration of Arts students and family members everywhere.
Kalinda Ashton is the author of the 2009 novel The Danger Game, and has published short fiction extensively in Australian literary anthologies and journals. She lectures in literature and creative writing at Flinders University.
Mario, Speakeasy veteran, whilst searching for an idea, accidentally happened upon three. One, he owes to tobacco, the ingestion of which, while considered very unhealthy nowadays, wasn't so unhealthy in the early 1800s. The other two he owes to Lord Byron, whom it was considered rather unhealthy to ingest in the early 1800s, but whose ingestion is very much encouraged now.
Chris Williss laboured long and hard trying to think of some witty and clever bio for you, some words that might impress or entertain you as a preface, if you will, for his story reading. However, as he sits, tea in hand, pen lid securely gripped between his teeth, legs sprawled on his bed, and his laptop between them and his toes facing upwards at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, he realised that he has, precisely, jack all. So he instead wrote this.
Susie Nelson is from England. She’s at Flinders studying a Graduate Diploma in Creative Writing. There are two things, well three really, that she’s most proud of having achieved in her life. The first two are her boys, James and Matthew. Her third achievement is having the courage to turn her life upside down and come to Australia, to get a different perspective on the world we inhabit, and improve her writing skills.
Ken Nixon enjoys university, history and the odd drop of Pimms around Christmas. This is nowhere near as interesting as the things he hates. At the top of this list are fussy felt patterns, BBC period pieces and writing bios! Piri Eddy is a writer. Sometimes he has trouble thinking of what to write. He plans on making a career out of it.
As we approach the London Olympics this year, Dominiek Neall is very disappointed that the poetry composition event is no longer running. Being absolutely craptastic at sports, Dominiek turned to poetry after accidentally shooting her P.E. teacher in the leg with a misguided arrow. Her prize-winning sonnet ‘You plus Me equals Eternity’ composed for Johnny Depp has resulted in high acclaim from Johnny Depp fan-girls and one restraining order from Mr Depp’s lawyers.

Samuel Williams is a third year BCA creative writer whose work has been published here and there. He's addicted to being frantically busy and having no time to scratch himself, so he likes snappy writing and short books – the shorter the better – and poems, so long as he doesn't have to spend hours trying to figure out what they mean.

Melanie Pryor’s work has featured in poetry competitions, street press and short story anthologies. She is studying Honours in Creative Writing, and has found a library growing in her house, full of gods and myths and all that falls in between. There are also a lot of abandoned cups of tea.

Peter Beaglehole is taking Honours in Creative Writing at Flinders University; he also performs as a musical comedian.
Delana Carbone

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