Thursday, May 26, 2011

Student Achievements

Congratulations to all the talented Flinders University students who received Creative Writing and English awards recently!

Mark Trimboli (Miles Trench) - The Imprints Poetry Prize

Samuel Williams - The Staff Prize in English

Raelke Grimmer - The Imprints Fiction Prize Commendation and The Imprints Poetry Prize Commendation

David Olds - The Richard Conyers Prize

Helen Dinmore - The Caroline Macdonald Bachelor of Creative Arts/Creative
Writing Thesis Prize

Pamela Graham - The Ann Flaxman Prize in English

Ryan Manhire - The Imprints Fiction Prize Commendation

Michael Hannan - The Imprints Poetry Prize Commendation

Samantha Prior - The Imprints Poetry Prize Commendation

Alicia Carter - The Imprints Fiction Prize and The Imprints Fiction Prize Commendation


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